Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bye Bye Fredericia - Saturday

Today we packed up, did some shopping, caught up on some much needed sleep, and met for lunch in the town of Fredericia.  After saying farewell to our host families and all of the wonderful people who've helped us this week, we boarded a bus to Rudkoebing.  There was hardly any room for us on the bus because our luggage has grown!  We crossed many islands and saw beautiful waterways along the way.

We met our host families about 1 1/2 hours later at their rotary club, right by the water.  We found our new welcoming families because they were holding signs with our names on them :)

We each went our own separate way and discovered our new houses and met the rest of our families.  Most of us went to our new home, unpacked, had dinner, and went for a walk with our new host family.

I live far away from everyone, in a town near Svendborg.  I went into town with my host dad Egon for dinner at a beautiful restaurant and then walked around afterwards.  We went to the harbor and saw some amazing ships.  When we got back to the house, his wife Hannne came home from work and we all shared stories and got to know each other.


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